Main BoardWorld's slowest mammal makes long-overdue debut at Longleat

25.06.2022, 10:02 - geemong - - 10 Beiträge
World's slowest mammal makes long-overdue debut at Longleat

The world's slowest mammal has made its long-overdue debut at Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire.

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Truffles is a 22-month-old female Linnaeus two-toed sloth and she has moved into a purpose-built display at the safari park's Jungle Kingdom.

The South America animals sleep for about 15 hours a day and move so slowly that algae grows on their fur.

They move as little as 40m (130ft) a day and can spend up to a month digesting a meal.

As sloths spend virtually their entire time living upside down in trees, the new display area features a series of interconnected ropes and branches.

It is the first time Longleat has looked after a sloth and Truffles' keeper, Gemma Short, has been caring for the creature in its new home.

"We have had to create a miniature tropical rainforest for Truffles with high temperatures and humidity as she cannot regulate her temperature herself so relies on the environment around her," said Ms Short.

"We're also having to chop her food into long chips so she can hold them with her claws. Her favourite foods include baby corn, sweetcorn, mushrooms and parsnip."

The algae that grows on their fur acts as a natural camouflage to hide them from potential predators including jaguars, anacondas, and harpy eagles.

They are most at risk when they descend to the ground, where they can take more than a minute to move two metres (6.5ft).