Main BoardCool shooter

20.06.2024, 14:20 - Gavy - Rank 1 - 6 Beiträge
Can you recommend a cool shooter?
20.06.2024, 14:36 - Shoul - Rank 1 - 3 Beiträge
Discovery is a new first-person shooter based on the Unreal Engine 5. With it, you can immerse yourself in the world of cinema like no other, with the help of our story shooter, which takes place in the distant future of a distant galaxy. You will find yourself on a planet with a breathtaking flora that has evolved from marine life, and unknown deadly predators hiding inside. We promise that an adrenaline-fueled experience awaits you, accompanied by an exciting narrative.
20.06.2024, 14:38 - Gavy - Rank 1 - 6 Beiträge
Thank you for giving such a detailed answer.